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The role of salt spray corrosion test chamber accessories

Some of the small accessories in the salt spray test chamber seem to be irrelevant. In fact, they play an important role in places we can see or see. Only when these accessories are all available, the salt spray test chamber can play its full role.
Today we will talk about the role of the various accessories in the salt spray test chamber:
1. Round bar: used to place the test sample in the form of a sheet. The test sample is laid on the round bar to make the salt spray test evenly on the surface of the sample;
2. V-shaped sample holder: also used to place test samples, the sample can be tested at an oblique angle of 15 degrees or 30 degrees;
3.Glass nozzle: The salt water is atomized by pressure to form a spray, which is sprayed from the nozzle.
4, funnel: used to collect salt liquid, the area is 80 square centimeters;
5. Metering cylinder: The funnel collects the salt liquid and reaches the metering cylinder through the silica gel pipe. It is an important item to determine whether the salt spray corrosion test box meets the standard;
6. Exhaust pipe: used for exhausting fog;
7. Salt water barrel: used to store salt water;
8. Saturated barrel: warming and humidifying the incoming air and filtering the oil
Frequently check the use of salt spray test chamber accessories, and do more maintenance, it is also one of the ways to extend the service life of the salt spray test chamber!
For more details, please feel free to contact sales@lenpure.com
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